Snippets has packed and distributed millions of hampers across South Africa and the rest of the continent. We pack and distribute all our hampers from our warehouse which is situated clos to O.R. Tambo International Airport.
Even though we have established product ranges. Snippets provides bespoke hamper solutions to suit your specific needs. Through our holistic service approuch, we have built long-standing relationships with a range of companies in South Africa.

Our Story
From humble beginnings in 1986, Angela Venske and Yvonne Holmes started Snippets started as a haberdashery shop in Atlasville in Boksburg. For Angela (Mom) and Yvonne this was only the beginning, they started selling small gift hampers in the little shop. I (Brad) was only 3 at the time. Fast forward a few years, Ang and Von decided that grocery hampers were the future of this little wool shop and Snippets Hampers was born. With R30 000 the journey started, Gran and Gramps didn’t want to miss out on this so they also joined the business. Forklifts and pallet jacks were a luxury that just wasn’t affordable at the time so everything was off loaded by hand. Snippets grew from strength to strength and in 1996 Ang and Von dream came true, they built their very own factory in Jet Park.
A few years later Snippets had out grown the factory in Jet Park and they were on the hunt for some thing a bit bigger, in 2007 they purchased a property in Pomona and they were on the move again. Sadly in 2012 Ang (mom)fell ill and was no longer able to work, Von picked up the slack and in her last few years at Snippets she bought out one of our competitors – Ginsberg Hampers. Finally in 2016 she decided it was time retire. I then joined the business in June 2016, similar to their story this was a journey one couldn’t walk alone. Jay (my best friend – actually brother, lets just say im the better looking one) joined the business in September 2016. We decided to move to a more central point in Apex Benoni. Over the last 5 years the business has grown 6 fold. Both Jay and I decided that ration packs would be a large area of growth for the business and so MRE International was born, this is a whole separate story – for another day.
We also purchased Tycoons Tea and Coffee in 2017, an office consumable retail business that has also performed very well. And that’s the short version of our long story…
We hope that one day our children will be able to continue this story…..